Dr. Jabeen is now certified in Active Release Technique for the Upper Extremity (arm/shoulders/hands)

A.R.T. is a technique designed at restoring funct... Read more
Meet the Health Professionals Night with the students at STA high school

Do you have sore feet?? Consider Custom – Made Orthotics
Do you have any of the following Symptoms?-Foot pain with standing or walking - Foot or ankle pain with running - knee pain
-Bunions/calluses/corns - uneven shoe wear - chronic hip/low back pain
-tingling/num... Read more
Is your childs school bag too heavy?
As millions of children set out every morning to school, many of them overstuff their packs with heavy books, laptops, clothing, lunch and shoes. Some carry their packs on one shoulder intermittently throughout the day. The long-term result: chronic back and neck pain.A US safety commission estimated that approx. 6,512 emergency room visits each year are due to book bag related injuries.
Ou... Read more